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  • Tim McGrath

Tips With Tim: Glue Down vs. Floating Floors

If you're wondering what the difference between glue down and floating floors is, here's your guide! Glue down floors are physically glued to the subfloor whereas floating floors click into each other with no need to glue. Some flooring products specify either glue down or floating, and some you can do either. Keep in mind that floating floors are cheaper but may not be as permanent or durable. In some cases, a glue down floor may be the superior choice because of the subflooring. For example, a floating floor should not be installed over a wood subfloor that is adhered to concrete. In addition, some products, such as hardwood, need to be glued down when planks are 5 inches or wider. Still have questions? Ask in the comments!

descriptive image showcasing the difference between glue down and floating floors
Tips With Tim: Glue Down vs. Floating Floors

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